Institutional Data and Reports

SENMC collects and reports information on a wide number of topics including enrollment, student success, and many other topics. The following reports are representative of the data that is gathered and either reported to external agencies or presented for internal review and decision-making.

IPEDS Reporting

The college is required to make a number of reports to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). This system is run by the National Center for Education Statistics established by the U.S. Department of Education. The IPEDS system prepares an annual IPEDS Data Feedback Report for each college or university that presents key data as well as comparisons of those data to other institutions. The following reports are for NMSU – Carlsbad, now SENMC:

Institutional Reports

The SENMC Institutional Research Office prepares a variety of reports that track important information such as enrollment, student retention, student persistence and student success over time. Following are the most current reports prepared by the IR Office:


SENMC is developing a regular process of comparing activities and outcomes to other institutions. This is called benchmarking. Prior to becoming an independent institution, this process was managed by NMSU. One of the reports from that period was the Community College Survey of Student Engagement: