President's Welcome
A college education is many things. It is about transmitting knowledge. It is learning skills for a career. It is developing the so-called soft skills used in nearly all walks of life. It is a means to ensure that a society's most important ideas and ideals survive. It is about socialization and growth, practice and play.
But beyond all this, it is an opportunity for you to be more.
Now is the time to begin the journey to become the best you that you can be. Education is an investment in yourself, an investment that no one can ever take away. It will pay dividends throughout your lifetime, and it will reverberate through the generations who follow you. What you do today will inspire them to more.
Join us at Southeast New Mexico College. You will not find a more caring and committed faculty and staff. They are focused on one thing—serving you. Stop by anytime or call us at (575) 234-9200 for a personal tour.
We look forward to you becoming a proud member of our Mountain Lion family so you too can realize all you can be at SENMC!
Kevin Beardmore, Ed.D.
President, Southeast New Mexico College
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