English as a Second Language (ESL)

The Adult Education Program provides non-native speakers with ESL classes to improve their English language skills by building their vocabulary base, comprehension, life skills, and conversational abilities. ESL and Citizenship students are assessed in the following areas:
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
Citizenship instruction is part of the ESL classes. It is offered to students eligible to become US citizens. Teachers teach US History, government, and topics necessary to become knowledgeable of the US Citizenship interview process and test.
Enrollment Process and Schedule
- Pre-assessment (allow 3 hours)
- Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled test time\Schedule an appointment to complete enrollment:
- Intake form
- Review pre-assessment
- Class placement (morning & evening classes available)
- Goal Setting (Career and Academics)
Enrollment Process and Schedule
Enrollment is accepted July/August and December/January. Contact the Adult Education Department for more information.
- Schedule an appointment to complete enrollment:
- Intake form
- Review pre-assessment
- Class placement (morning & evening classes available)